Presently, Semi-Finals of IPL Cricket matches in India are due. They are over-shadowed by the corruption charges on the Chair-person and the Commissioner of IPL, Mr. Lalit Modi. My personal opinion is that the IPL matches have only entertainment value for the general public in India and abroad. Therefore, these matches must be entitled for entertainment tax by the State governments. Every match has high potential of contributing highest tax revenue to the revenue receipt of the State governments. All the State governments have conveniently ignored this potential income earning source which can be diverted to create public assets for the welfare of the State community. Instead, the political war is developed over the issue of the corruption charges on Mr. Lalit Modi and Mr. Shashi Tharoor, who are directly and indirectly connected with IPL. It is claimed by the supporters of Mr. Lalit Modi that he has conceived the idea of IPL and managed the IPL affairs most efficiently. May I say that IPL matches are like the Race Course gamble game for the rich Indians? Can India as a nation, recognised to be transiting very rapidly from the developing stage to the developed stage, afford to waste the excess capital held by neo-rich Indians in the gambling game like IPL Cricket match? Is it a great achievement of Mr. Lalit Modi to maintain highest efficiency in organising the gambling game of IPL cricket match? Only the neo-rich Indian class like Mr. Vijay Mallya, Mrs. Shilpa Shetty and so on can support such unproductive activity like gamble in the cricket match. This neo-rich class will never see the concrete and the solid contribution of middle-class, intellectual man-power of this country. The software engineers, the corporate managers, the high-quality teachers and renowned journalists, poets and writers have made the largest contribution to the economic growth of India in the first decade of 21st Century. India is conspicuous in the world map not because of IPL cricket matches but because of the most positive contribution to the intellectual property of the world economy, by the superior human resource in India.
Then, why this IPL tamasha and so much positive as well as negative publicity to the mediocre person like Lalit Modi?
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