It is shame that Home Minister of Maharashtra state was busy watching the film MNIK when the terrorists were planning German bakery blast. The Home minister has already confessed that his ministry had got the intimation from the Intelligence about the possible terrorist attack on Osho Ashram. In spite of such a premonition, the Home minister could afford the luxury of watching the film just to intensify so called political battle between Shiv Sena and the ruling government. This is the conspicuous evidence of the fact that the ministers and the political leaders have no concern for the law and order in the country. In fact, the main function of the government is to maintain the law and order for the security of the citizens of the country. The attitude of the present Home minister and the other colleagues of the Home minister is to care more for their political ego satisfaction and using the police for the security of one individual and his film rather than maintaining universal security for the populace of the state. Such government has no justification to be in the power. Will the voters of Maharashtra state understand the intricacy of injustice on them? Or will they continue to be indifferent towards the misdeeds of their political leaders? These are the million dollar questions confronted by the democracy of India. Is our democracy in a danger zone?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Didn’t knew...
So, it was it. Point to be noted, my lord. What I'm gonna write next is all what my mind is!!! Leonard Spensisky was a man whose wife died some years back. He lived alone in his hut in Turkey. One day he was called up by a lazy man who proclaimed himself as his KING. The man refused to bow. He killed him and lived peacefully ever after. Some thoughts are so beautiful you don't wanna lose them. This blog is for relaxation. I'm ___________. Fill it up and ask your heart if it is RIghT. Take my word it is wrong.................hahahhahhahahahh. I'm a writer who would write like this coz this is the way our human mind is complicated. You need to become this complicated to understand it. Time is less, things are many. Your mind would play tricks with you. You have to double trick it. Some more thoughts to come...................till then signing off................................Mr. Jhunjhunwala...............................................